
Our work

inalme integratori
Food Supplements

Customised manufacturing of food supplements for those looking for quality and experience.


Contract manufacturing of cosmetics for companies that want innovative and customised products.

Medical Devices

Our mission is to guarantee reliable medical devices with the highest quality and innovation in the field of health.


Reliability and Integrity

Our mission is to provide unique, customised, and flexible solutions as we believe that every customer deserves an approach focused on their visions. We are committed to creating an environment where innovation drives our offer of products and services. Reliability and integrity are the pillars on which our mission is based, whereas product safety and performance are our responsibility towards our customers and the community.

Constant Research

In our cutting-edge laboratories, we use innovative approaches and advanced technologies to ensure maximum excellence in our products. We dedicate ourselves to conducting in-depth researches, by ensuring safe and customised formulations. Our constant research for solutions allows us to offer high-quality products, providing our customers with a competitive advantage in the market.

    Our business processes involve the systematic investigation and the implementation of knowledge to develop new products or to improve the existing ones. Research, Development, Innovation, Investments and Collaboration with academic bodies represent the cornerstones of the R&D Department.
    Thanks to our services, we help organizations to understand, interpret and comply with relevant norms and regulations in their field.
    Regulatory analysis and monitoring of laws, decrees, and regulations can affect the operation of an organization in order to operate ethically, sustainably and in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, while reducing the risk of sanctions and legal disputes.
    In vitro, ex vivo and in vivo studies are crucial to determine whether a new product is safe and effective before it is made available on a large scale. The collaboration with research and trial centres and the integrity of such centres largely depends on their quality and experience.
    To facilitate the timing of market access, the regulatory aspects and the quality assurance, we provide our customers with a wide range of therapeutical formulations, such as medical devices, food supplements and cosmetics with customised formulas ready to be marketed.


The development and manufacturing of our products follow a rigorous process to ensure their safety, effectiveness and regulatory compliance. Below are the general steps involved in the design and manufacturing of a formulation.

  • Design and manufacturing
  • Regulatory consultancy service
  • Graphics and packaging
  • Logistics

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